Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A cultural analysis of Greece Essay Example for Free

A cultural analysis of Greece Essay This paper presents a cultural analysis of Greece and how this translates into the countrys business practices. The importance in such profiling can be seen in the emergence of many cross-cultural studies that aim to come up with an effective theoretical framework that guides international companies to relate to other companies from different countries with different cultures. One of these frameworks was formulated by a series of national studies conducted by Hofstede in which the author identified cultures according to five indices. Basically, Hofstedes approach presents that culture can be described as a set of characteristics ingrained or wired-in to the brains and the psyche of the members of a particular society thereby affecting behavior. With such understanding according to national cultures, cross-cultural managers can therefore make use of this information that can serve as a basis for cross-cultural and international initiatives of the organization. In application, this paper examines Greece according to Hofstedes five dimensions and how this translates into the countrys business culture; this paper then compares this with the business culture in the United States. The conclusion then leads to the identification of the different points of compatibility and conflict, and the areas which the Greek and the American business cultures can reconcile for a more successful business communications and relations. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Greece I. Section One Introduction Communication plays an important role in any cross-cultural relations, and in the aspect of business, communication in the international context spans beyond language and includes protocols, perceptions and other elements pertaining to business practices. According to Hendon, Hendon and Herbig (1996), the challenge is that although two or more parties are trying to reach an agreement aiming to serve each others interests, cultural factors whether in terms practice and perception significantly contribute to the processing of information that would lead to either the success or the failure of the negotiations or the management strategy should international companies decide to operate together. As Hendon, et al. (1996) pointed out, cultural aspects influence managers, thereby affecting their behavior; this also reflects at the organizational level thereby the degree of the embodiment of the national culture of these companies is constantly present. Cross-cultural issues have become crucial given that more and more businesses are taking advantage of the opportunities brought by globalization. One of the issues that emerged from this is that there was an identified potential point of conflict based on the precept that the differences in the values of the different groups may lead to problems, thereby jeopardizing the advantages offered by the global and international markets (Fontaine, 2007). As a result, international organizations have invested in cross-cultural management initiatives in order to create the most effective approach should the company reaches the point of venturing into foreign operations or cross-cultural negotiations. In addition to the organizational dimension in cross-cultural issues are the elements that can further influence the operations of any business. Kanungo (2006) identified that globalization ha also created a significant impact to the consumers behavior now that they are aware of the strong global forces; technological innovation; and the environment. These elements do not only represent modifications in terms of the markets and the societies global businesses cater to but also the potential overall shift and cultural perceptions that resonate at various levels, from the individual to the organizational behaviors. Which is why given that globalization has become a phenomenon that represents present-day reality (Steger, 2003), even companies who are not internationalized are still subject to many global forces such as buying or selling their supplies from sources overseas. It is also possible that the company may have to work with a foreign employee or a worker from a different cultural background. In any case, the instances of a cultural add-on has become more and more regular (Berger, 1998, 124). However, it is important to look at the many theoretical foundations on cross-cultural studies, especially as to how national cultures are perceived as an important influence in organizational and management behavior. There is one distinctive studies that can be considered to have created a substantial buzz in the entire context of cross-cultural studies: Geert Hofstedes four dimensions, which would later add another component. Hofstedes studies gave way to conclusions that would help in the different approaches towards understanding different cultures, and how these can also create effects at individual, organizational and national levels. Hofstedes Four Dimensions One of the most commonly used model in cross-cultural studies is Hofstedes four dimensions; these dimensions emerged from Hofstedes studies on 40 different countries in which he identified four major prevailing factors in terms of the cultural aspect (Bjerke, 1998): ? Power distance ? Uncertainty avoidance ? Individualism/collectivism ? Masculinity/femininity In order to understand these four dimensions, it is important to look at how Hofstede views culture and how this plays a role in global business applications. Hofstede is renowned for his research on differences among countries in terms of their culture and how these differences are essential. Hofstede operated based on the concept that comparisons among cultures can play a significant role in the making the right decisions based on the acquired information about other cultures; this is deemed helpful when it comes to making negotiations and even designing business strategies should companies decide to enter a foreign market. Hence, Hofstedes works have been founded on how the differences of these cultures are influential to behavior across may social levels. Hofstedes dimensions tend to generalize groups, hence, for instance, multicultural nations are taken as a singular culture (Fontaine, 2007). The four dimensions Hofstede formulated are the main indicators that can identify the points of similarities and differences across these many national cultures (Vinken, Soeters Ester, 2004). His studies on many national cultures have therefore served as a reference point among many cross-cultural managers. Hofstedes approach is known to adapt a more scientific approach as he argued that cultures can be measured and analyzed (Hofstede, Neuijen, Ohavy Sanders, 1990); such can be seen not only in his database which analyzed countries according to their measures in power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, and masculinity/femininity but also in terms of how these factors can impact many organizational tasks such as business negotiations. Culture is therefore an important indicator of behavior and at the same time, it acts as a binding force that defines a group, a society or a region. The four dimensions Hofstede identified are based on how a culture can be also defined according to relations, attitudes and values; in specific contexts, it can be observed that these four dimensions that pertain to Hofstedes definition of culture the programming of the mind that differentiates one group of another (as cited in Fontaine, 2007, 125) presents a predictable framework of characteristics. A fifth dimension was also introduced by Hofstede by including Confucian framework to his dimension, and he identified this as the long term/short term orientation. The long term/short term orientation, a recent addition to Hofstede/s dimension, was founded on the perceptions of time, and how this can affect the behavior of people. This dimension was based on the Confucian orientation with respect to past, present and future, and for Hofstede, this fifth dimension can reflect a societys perception of time, especially as to how this affects their perseverance and regard for values, and how societies also wish to command respect and gain stability (Jacob, 2005). This orientation is seen as an important component as this can reflect how some people can act as based on their expectations with respect to time, such as, for instance, whether their actions are motivated by long-term causes or their short-term goals. The power distance aspect refers to a cultures orientation towards authority. This orientation includes how people understand power and how power works in their communities. With this component, power distance serves as an indicator of equality such as whether some cultures tend to be more democratic or practices a great amount of inequality (Hofstede, 2001). Another index identified by Hofstede (2001) is the uncertainty avoidance. Generally, this refers to how society can tolerate uncertainty. This therefore shows how a culture may be more comfortable in a more structured and rational framework because the tolerance of ambiguity is low whereas some societies may tend to live in the uncertainty, hence, their systems do not adhere to strict rules. Individualism/collectivism pertains to how a culture tend to be more individualist and autonomous or the spirit of the collective fills the members of its society (Hofstede, 2001). In the former, there is a greater sense of independence because the individual is encouraged to think for himself or herself. A collectivist culture, its opposite, tends to have a greater degree of influence according to the social or cultural psyche and norm. Although individuals can be said to initially come from defined groups such as families, the degree of cohesion across social levels differs from one culture to the next. Last but not the least, the masculinity/femininity index measures gender roles in a culture, especially as to how each of these genders are positioned in the society. The values among these two genders are among the fundamental elements in any society because one tends to dominate the other, if not, the attempt to equalize roles can be said to be also present in some cultures (Hofstede, 2001). In addition to the aspect of the relevance of power in these roles, this indicator also describes whether the country is masculine or feminine; the former associates the culture as more assertive and competitive, thereby embodying the male characteristics whereas feminine cultures are viewed as caring and more modest. The strength of Hofstedes approach is that the study and the gathered data have come up with a set of information that generally describes the national cultures thereby demonstrating a general sense how people in a certain country can be expected to behave. The five dimensions have served as an important framework and Hofstedes model has served many nation-level researches especially as to how the applicability of his collected data can be regarded to be valid at a certain point (Smith, 2006). However, the model is not without any criticisms as this brings the issue on how many dimensions must be used as a means to measure culture (Smith, 2006). Another study conducted by Blodgett, Bakir and Rose (2008) that the model has limitations especially as to its validity among individuals. From this, it can be gathered that applicability of Hofstedes framework mainly gives a good reference for a cultural overview of nation, but in more specific terms, there is still some debate as to the design of a more effective cross-cultural analysis model. II. Section Two Greek Culture: an Overview Greece can be easily associated with its glory during the antiquity, with the country immersed in a rich culture of intelligence and might, in addition to the production of several works of art and architecture that can be considered to still have an influence in the modern world. Hence, Greece has always had the impression of classicism, especially with the mark left by Hellenism in the world and Greek history transcending fact and has become an interesting subject for literary works. From political thought to mythology, Greek as a culture remains to be an object of fascination, especially as it has founded an important definition where the Western world begins in this Mediterranean archipelago. Culture can be basically defined through customs and traditions, and in Greece, albeit its development into modernity, has maintained a strong grasp for tradition; this tradition is defined by the roles played by religion and paganism in the country. Greece is dominantly Orthodox Christian although some variations of the faith, as determined by paganistic influences, can be seen to be present and also vary from island to island. This is why Greek culture is generally regarded to have a higher degree of mixed beliefs and that Greeks also tend to be superstitious (Buxton, 1999). Early Greek civilization has demonstrated a significant amount of intellect yet at the same time, the society was also driven by its mythological past. Such combination can be seen to present an attempt to balance myth and reason, and in modern Greece, this can be seen to have developed as modern Greek society remains to take pride in its past through the continuous presence of its customs and traditions, yet at the same time, modern Greek culture has demonstrated significant social changes that have take place in the last century. This is discussed by Mouzelis (1978) who mentioned how societal values remain to be dictated by its core values, and these core values, evidently, play a significant role in the definition of a societys culture. The economy, in the past centuries, has created a significant impact to the social development of any society, and Greece, as it moved on to the modern times, had adapted to these changes. In the social context, Greece had demonstrated the ability to adjust to these new economic demands, and its society, inevitably, has redefined social classes. Its economy also started to redefine itself especially as to how it would define its role in the modern world. All in all, the modernization of Greece has created a degree of impact to its modern culture, but interestingly, Greek culture has strongly maintained what it has always been. As previously mentioned Greek culture has been distinct in terms of the roles religion plays in the lives of the people; this religion fuses the more organized leanings of the Christian Orthodox Church and the more paganistic or mythical practices that many Greeks still practice today. In addition to customs and traditions, Greek culture has maintained its strong identity across many cultural facets, from its art, music, food and wine. The Greek people has demonstrated a strong sense of resilience considering the number of wars they had to endure in the modern times. These wars include its conflict with the Ottomans in which the country fell under rule for a long time, the Balkan Wars, the First World War, and the Greco-Turkish wars. The country also fell under military dictatorship from 1967-1974. With their wounded past, the Greek people had redeveloped a strong national character that had adapted to the realities they faced, especially as Greeces glory would seem to be stuck more in the past and the modernity seems to have favored more the Western nations (Chilton, Dubin, Edwards, Garvey, Fisher, Ellingham, 2008). Interestingly, as Greece would struggle to find its place in the modern world, the Greek society and the people had gone through periods of diaspora in order to escape the conflicts at home. Those who were left behind would be stuck in the chaos of the country in which the economy would find a hard time adjusting to the greater powers coming from the western world, more specifically Europe. The Greek people experienced lack of opportunities in addition to poverty, especially as the country would prove to lack in enough economic resourcefulness until recently. Greece, for a significantly portion of the 20th century, was under-developed, but it was not until in the 1980s that the country would start to catch up and become more integrated with the rest of Europe (Chilton, et al. , 2008) There are some interesting factors in Greek culture that can be regarded to have influenced attitudes of its people. One of these concepts is filotimo. Although hard to translate, filotimo generally refers to the Greeks love for deep honor that they should possess; this goes well with anther important Greek characteristic of integrity which is about behaving as an upright individual. Although a sense of deep honor, as a translation, does not provide enough interpretation of the concept, filotimo can be considered to refer to a character that is highly desirable, but basically, it can be associated with a sense of self who is intrinsically good (Makedon, 1995). In addition to the concept of filotimo, modern Greece had emerged with additional cultural concepts in terms of character, and these are leventia and palikaria. Leventia refers to a sense of manly excellence thereby emphasizing the importance of having certain male characteristics. Leventia is paired with palikaria which also refers to the same meaning. As pair, possessing or being leventia and/or palikaria is about the ability to survive through hard times, especially if the individual or the family has been subject to a critical amount of duress. Having leventia and palikaria can gain an individual substantial admiration from those around him because of the display of a strong sense of self as seen in courage or proactiveness that addresses the source of any problem (Makedon, 1995). Last but not the least, albeit its painful periods of oppression, the Greek people have a great amount of love towards freedom. The love for liberty has always been a Greek characteristic, as seen from the ancient Greek civilization to the modern Greek society. Many themes in the Greek arts have portrayed the importance of freedom, and evidently, as the cradle of democracy, Greek culture had long wanted to fight oppression and aimed for a more liberal and democratic society in which they get to possess a certain amount of freedom despite the restrictions posed upon them (Makedon, 1995). Generally, these characteristics show how modern Greece have managed an important element of its identity, and that is its Orthodox church; however, despite the practice of orthodoxy, this aspect of freedom is practiced in such a way that the Greek people remains to have an open mind towards its paganistic past. In a way, the Greek culture can be regarded to have managed to lessen the conflict between mythos and logos, and today, the Greek people has been finding ways to make room for the modern and how it fits to its long standing tradition. Greek Business Culture Studies on the Greek business culture has had references to Hofstedes cultural framework. In terms of the scores of Greece according to Hofstedes four dimensions, Greece has the following measures in these four indices (Hofstede, 2001): ? Power distance index: 63 ? Individualism: 35 ? Masculinity: 57 ? Uncertainty avoidance index: 112 In terms of Greeces score in the power distance index, this score shows how its people, according to Hofstedes framework, demonstrates the emergence of the social classes in Greek society. This is to say that people are aware of the powers that are present in the society and they know their place with respect to that power. The score of the country in this index can be considered to be average, hence, demonstrating that although people do recognize the presence of inequalities in its society, they see the presence of means to get over certain barriers. The median score for this index is 55, and with Greece at 63, the amount of inequality is above average yet not as drastic as compared to other countries. Basically, this shows how hierarchy plays in the society which can be considered as a paradox considering the Greeks love for liberty and democracy. In a sense, such score shows how the Greeks have embraced reality and that certain powers have created a strong influence in the country. The next score shows that the country has lower measures of individualism thereby showing that Greece is a highly collective society. This shows how Greeks have a strong regard for family and community, and how individuals are strongly influenced by their environment. Kessapidou and Varsakelis (2002) mentioned that when Greeks enter an organization, there is already the expectation that the Greek employee expects to work for this company for the rest of his or her life, and at the same time, in exchange for this loyalty, they expect that the firm will also look after their family. The next indicator is masculinity, and Greece scored slightly above the global average of 50 (Hofstede, 2001). This is an interesting score as generally, the Greek society has demonstrated the strong male influence in terms of their position in the family and the society. The roles between males and females have been regarded to be also more distinctive, in which case the women know their positions and the limits of their power and influence. The uncertainty avoidance index shows the highest score for Greece, and based on this, there are many rules that prevail in the Greek society. Again, this is an interesting score because this contradicts the Greeks love for freedom, but then again, such rules and restrictions may have brought the Greek people to be hungry for more liberty in its societies. The many bounds in Greek society can be seen in its history where the country went through oppression through foreign occupancy and dictatorship. Overall, as employees, Kessapidou and Varsakelis (2002) discussed the characteristics of Greek employees, as follows (273): For Greek people, the working culture is based on sense of honour, dignity, loyalty, and sense of duty reflected in the Greek word filotimo which is similar to the concept of face as reported for China in these societies, filotimo or face becomes an asset for organizations. In cases, however, where expectations are not met, the personnel can be alienated. From the results of Hofstedes study, Greece can be summarized as high power distance, strong uncertainty avoidance, collectivistic and masculine (Joiner, 2001, 232). This profile, as translated into Greeces business culture, strongly demonstrates its association with societal values. According to Hofstede (2001), among the four indicators in his cultural model, the most relevant in the aspect of organizational design can be attributed to power distance and uncertainty avoidance which is why these factors are important in assessing the relationship of national cultures and the organization. In the organizational context, the Greek business culture shows a strong sense of hierarchy and the partenalistic relations that exist in Greek companies; this is evident in the high score in the power distance. In further putting this with respect to Hofstedes description of this dimension, the Greek society as well in Greek organizations, there is the accepted presence of inequalities in terms of the distributio of power. The acceptance in human inequality, interestingly, may not fair well with the Greek fundamentals on democracy but apparently, such cultural characteristic is more of an indicator of a strong sense of respect towards authority (Joiner, 2001). Leadership is therefore emphasized in Greek organizations, and in business, there is much dependence on the companys leaders when it comes to making decisions. Such cultural factor can then be attributed to the historical development in Greece which, accoding to Psychogios and Szamosi (2007), lived in a society with the centralized Greek political system that highlights the powerful state and the large public sector (8). In terms of the reflection of Greeces high uncertainty avoidance index, many studies have actually revealed that groups with hih uncertainty avoidance index demonstrate a fear of making decisios, hence, the presence of many rules that can be easily referred to. In Greece, according to studies by Bartholomew (1995), Bourantas, et al. (199), among others (as cited in Joiner, 2001), fear of decision-making has been found among Greek managers and subordinates, hence, much of these activities are left to the upper management. There is indeed the influence of culture in terms of the business own practices. Although this may not be true in all cases, the general perception towards Greek businesses reflect how the business culture have its foundations according to its societal values, these values are which influenced by the countrys culture. III. Section Three In Comparison with the US Business Culture Based on Hofstedes cultural model, Greece scored high in power distance index, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance index, whereas it scored low in individualism. These scores translate to the Greek business culture of centralization, concentrated power, more distinct gender roles, and high reliance on the organizations to take care of the employees family. Greek employees are also found to possess the characteristics of loyalty, integrity and dignity, as guided by the concept of filotimo. In comparing this to the American culture, the contrasts can be immediately seen the differences in the scores Hofstede gave the United States (Hofstede, 2001). The US scored high in individualism, low in power distance index, uncertainty avoidance index, and long term orientation, whereas in terms of masculinity, the US scored above average. The similarities can be therefore seen in the masculinity aspect in which both shows that gender roles remain to be differentiated in the American business culture. However, the similarities end there. Based on the scores, the American culture can be described as highly individualistic, with a greater sense of equality and fewer rules thereby showing greater tolerance in new ideas and beliefs. Basically, the American business culture does embody these characteristics. As the country embraced capitalism and industrialization earlier than Greece, the countrys business culture tends to have a more progressive and liberal approach. There is a strong presence of market economy forces in the United States, and employees are also driven by the economic opportunitis presented to them. One of the important aspects in the American business culture is the presence of competition, and competition is present not only among businesses but among individuals as well (McCraw, 2000). Hence, unlike in Greece where a bulk of the important responsibilities are left to upper management, American organizations and their employees grab these opportunities to hold more responsibilities because it means more opportunities for them to gain better positions. Competitive is therefore a characteristic of the American business culture, and this makes sense according to the results of the scores of the United States according to Hofstedes model. Although these scores and comparisons between national and business cultures can be regarded to be applicable, it should be noted that the degree of relevance may not be true in all cases. In addition to the challenges as to the validity of Hofstedes model (Blodgett, et al. , 2008), there is also the case of change that can possibly take place at social and business levels. As discussed in the first section, the applicability is limited as to the relevance of national cultures to business cultures although the fundamentals of a national culture tends to become apparent generally. For instance, the Greek concept of filotimo can be considered to be true even at business levels, and at the same time, the collective spirit can be seen in how many Greek corporations are family-owned. Such is true in the case of the United States in terms of the masculunity scores. Although in some instances gender roles remain defined in the US, in the business world, more and more women have started to hold significant positions across many organizations. Therefore, the relevance of national culture perceptions are only true up to a certain extent but information such as those gathered by Hofstedes studies serve as useful references to the basics of the social and business dynamics in a country. IV. Section Four Opening an American Business in Greece Based on the scores in Hofstedes cultural framework, the USAs national culture distance from Greece is at 3. 47 according to 42 surveyed American firms in the country (Kessapidou Varsakelis, 2002). With this number, it can be assumed that there will be greater difficulty in the successful establishment of the American company in Greece; however, this may not be the case, and the same is true even if the company has a Greek affiliate. According to Kessapidou and Varsakalis (2002), the strength lies in the Greeks characteristic to be collective, hence, they tend to comply with the requirements of the company. In addition, the concept of filotimo can drive Greek employees to perform better, thereby filotimo, in a sense, serves as a source of competitiveness, which is compatible with the American busines culture. However, there may be some problems in terms of the management aspect between the American and the Greek managers, or the Greek managers needing to comply with the demands of American management practices. Although there are highly centralized American companies, the delegation of power and responsibility is one of an American companys assets, hence, should decisions need to be made, even some subordinates may step in and show a sense of leadership. This may intimidate Greek managers and employees, especially if the firm would have American employees working in the Greek operations. In addition, the Greek employees may think that the Americans are too aggressive and ambitious in the workplace, thereby possibly creating a rift among the employees. Hence, the recommendation is that prior to the establishment of the American operation in Greece, both sides need to be educated about the cultures they are about to encounter. Since that Greece is going to host the company, the American company needs to comply more with the Greek culture, but since it is the American company that is going to establish the business, the Greek employees and managers also need to

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Spot Welding Involves Three Stages

Spot Welding Involves Three Stages Spot welding is a process in which contacting metal surface are joined by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current flow. Work-pieces are held together under pressure exerted by electrode. Typically the sheet are in the 0.5 to 3 mm thickness range. The process uses two shapes copper alloy electrodes to concentrate welding current into a small  ¿Ã‚ ½spot ¿Ã‚ ½ and to simultaneously clamp the sheet together. Forcing a large current through the spot will melt the metal and form the weld. The amount of energy is chosen to match the sheet ¿Ã‚ ½s material properties, it thickness, and type of electrode. Applying too little energy won ¿Ã‚ ½t melt the metal or will make a poor weld. Applying too much energy will melt too much metal and make a hole rather than a weld [1]. Spot welding involves three stages; the first stage which involves the electrodes being brought to the surface of the metal and applying a slight amount of pressure. The current from the electrodes is then applied briefly. After the current is removed, the electrodes remain in place in order for the material to cool. Weld times range from 0.01 sec to 0.63 sec depending on the thickness of the metal, the electrode force and the diameter of the electrodes. The equipment used in the spot welding process consists of tool holders and electrodes. The tool holders function as a mechanism to hold the electrodes firmly in place and also support optional water hoses which cool the electrodes during welding. The electrodes generally are made of a low resistance alloy, usually copper, and are designed in many different shapes and sizes depending on the application needed. Design of experiments (DOE) is a techniques that enable a designers to determine simultaneously a interactive effects of a factors that effected the result in any design. Design of experiments (DOE) helps to pinpoint the sensitive partss and sensitive areas in a designs. The designer are then able to fix these problems and get the optimum parameter of design. Response surface methodology (RSM) explores the relationship between explanatory variables and response variable in statistic. Response surface methodology (RSM) is a sequence of design of experiments (DOE) to obtain an optimal response. It is sufficient to determine which explanatory variables have an impact on the interest of response variables. 1.2 Problem Statement Resistance spot welding (RSW) is the most effective process for joinning both similar and dissimilar metals. Resistance spot welding is commonly used in the automotive industries for body assembly production lines. The major advantages of spot welding is efficient energy used, and high production rates. To improve the strength and good quality of welding the welding parameter is to be investigated. A small change of the parameter will effect all the other parameters. The main parameter for spot welding is welding current, welding time, force, and hold time. Nowadays, the world faces of energy crisis and environmetal problems, energy saving and safety have become the most important issuses for auto making industry. To achieve these goals, weight reduction is the most effective to leads to the fast development and application of advanced high strength steels. In this research, DP600 is an Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) have been chosen to find the optimum parameters for the spot welding to determining the quality of a weld nugget development because the characteria of the material such as light weight, low ratio of yield strength to tensile strength, high work hardening capacity and good energy absorption. The good formability of DP600 allows the users to increase the strength of the components. Therefore, the products can be made stronger and safer under load. Resistance spot welding is a key technology in automotive assembly industries that the process is fast and easily weld many different material combination that are difficult to join by other welding process. The weldability of different materials such as advanced high strength steel DP600 and low carbon steel is to investigated quality of a nugget development due to the formation of hardness, tensile strength. This research is to study the influence of resistance spot welding (RSW) parameters such as welding current, welding time, pressure and speed on the development of nugget formation, focused on weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). 1.3 Objective Of Study The main purpose of this study : I. To find the optimum parameter to optimize the size of weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) in order to obtain a good quality of Resistance Spot Welding using Factorial Design and Response Surface Methodology (RSM). II. To developed a mathematical model to predict the size of weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). 1.4 Significance of the Project The development mathematical models can be effectively used to predict the size of weld zone which can improve the welding quality and performance in Response Surface Methodology (RSM). 1.5 Scope of Study The scope of study is to investigate on the resistance spot welding process using Factorial Design and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the optimum parameters to optimize the size of weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone. The material used is DP600 advanced high strength steel 0.8mm thickness combined with low carbon steel 1.0mm thickness. The machine used is OBARA guns type diameter 6mm. The electrode copper alloys detail as below: Alloy RWMA Class Hard Elec. Cond Desc Use To Weld CMW 3 2 83B 85% CU + CHROMIUM CRS GENERAL WELDING The microscope used is the compound light microscope. It commonly binocular (two eyepieces). The compound light microscope combines the power of lenses and light to enlarge the subject being viewed. The eyepiece allows for 10x or 15x magnification and when combined with three or four objective lenses which can be rotated into the field of view and produce higher magnification to a maximum of around 1000x generally. In the lab of material, microscope is used to watch and catch the picture of size weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction of Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) Resistance Spot Welding is a process in which metal surface are joined widely used in the automotive structural application for many years for the fabrication of sheet metal assemblies. The process is used for joining sheet materials and uses shaped copper alloy electrodes to apply pressure and convey the electrical current through the work piece. Heat is developed mainly at the interface between two sheets, eventually causing the material being welded to melt, forming a molten pool, the weld nugget. The molten pool is contained by the pressure applied by the electrode tip and the surrounding solid metal. The resistance spot welding has the advantage which is high speed and suitability for automation. Figure 1 : Resistance Spot Welding Machine with Work [3] The size and shape of the individually formed welds are limited primarily by the size and contour of the electrode faces. The weld nugget forms at the laying surfaces, as shown in Figure 1, but does not extend completely to the outer surfaces. In section, the nugget in a properly formed spot weld is round or oval in shape. Spacing between adjacent spot welds or rows of spot welds must be enough to prevent shunting or to limit it to an acceptable amount. In Resistance Spot Welding (RSW), methodology is development to determine the optimum welding conditions that maximize the strength of joints. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) utilized to develop an effective model to predict weld strength by incorporating parameters such as pressure, weld time and the others [7]. In this case study from journal that conducted as per central composite face centered design for spot welding of 0.2 and 0.3mm thick copper and brass speciments. Response surface model interfaced with the Genetic Algorithm to optimize the welding conditions for desired weld strength. The welding process of copper and brass produced large heat affected zone (HAZ) and fusion zone (FZ). Figure 2 : Schematic represent [7] Table 1 : Variables for joining of Cu- brass specimens [7] In response surface method the important is design of experiments. Identified the factors which have a significant influence on weld strength. It is weld pressure, weld time, and amplitude of vibration of horn. For 0.2 and 0.3 mm thick copper-brass speciments to determine maximum and minimum value of welding parameters large numbers of trial runs. From the trial runs the most suitable parameters were identified in table 1 above. Response surface model for weld strength is a collecting of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for the modeling and analysis of problems in response of interest is influenced by variables and the objective is to optimize thsi response [7]. Then developed mathematical models to predict the weld strength. For the experiments the equation is Where yi is the the response of weld strength, xi is pressure, weld time and amplitude,  ¿Ã‚ ½0,  ¿Ã‚ ½j,  ¿Ã‚ ½jj and  ¿Ã‚ ½ij represent the constant, linear, quadratic and interaction terms. For the spot welding equations like below : After 20 experiments are conducted at different levels of parameters the value of weld strength obtained from experiments and those predicted from response surface model along the design matrix. Table 2 : Weld strength and RSM [7] Figure 3 : Effect of amplitude and weld time on weld strength [7] Figure 4 : Effect of pressure and weld time of weld strength [7] Figure 5 : Effect of amplitude and pressure on weld strength [7] And for another experiments that used Response Surface methodoogy (RSM) by spot welding that used aluminium as a specimen [8]. They investigated effect between aluminium foam and the metal spot-welded colum. Based on their experiment. Numerical simulation and analytical models was developed to partition the energy absorption quantitatively into the foam filter component and the hat section component and the relative contribution of each component to the interactive effect. Figure 6 : schematic drawing of the spot welding-welded used in the experiment [8] Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a method to understanding the correlation between multiple input variables and output variable. Figure 7 : Comparison of the experiment and numerical result [8] Figure 8 : Response surface of sea for the foam filled spot welded column [8] Figure 9: Response surface of peak force for the foam filled spot welded column [8] Table 3 : Optimum foam filled square column [8] From the Response Face methodology (RSM) they get the optimum value of the t = thickness, a = thickness, density, pressure and SEA. 2.1 Electrothermal Process of Welding In resistance welding, the heat are required to create the coherence is generated by applying an electric current through the stack- up of sheets between the electrodes. So, the formation of a welded joint, including the nugget diameter and the heat- affected zone (HAZ), are definitely depends on the electrical and thermal properties of the sheets and coating materials. The general expression of heat generated in an electric circuit can be expressed as: Q= I ¿Ã‚ ½ Rt (modification of the Ohm ¿Ã‚ ½s Law) [3] where Q is heat (Joule), I is current (Ampere) , R is electrical resistance of the circuit (ohm,O) and t is time (second) which is allowed to flow in the circuit. For resistance welding, the heat generation at all location in a weldment is more relevant than, rather than the total heat generated, as heating is not and should not be uniform in the weldment. That means, consideration should more on the heat rate than the total heat, as it will determines the temperature history, and, in turn, the microstructure [3]. For example, considering an aluminum welding, melting may not be happen if the welding current applied is low, due to the low electrical resistivity of aluminum. In general, the electric and thermal process should be considered together in welding. 2.2 Spot Welds Parameter 2.2.1 The parameter 1. Electrode Force The electrode force is required to squeeze the metal sheets to be weld and joint together. This requires a large electrode force because the weld quality would not be good enough. However, the force must not be too large as it might cause other problems. When the electrode force is increased the heat energy will decrease. So, the higher electrode force needed a higher weld current. When weld current becomes too high, spatter will occur between electrodes and sheets. This will cause the electrodes to get stuck to the sheet. 2. Squeeze Time Squeeze Time is the time interval between the initial application of the electrode force on the work and the first application of current. Squeeze time is necessary to delay the weld current until the electrode force has attained the desired level [3]. 3. Weld or Heat Time Weld time is the time during which welding current is applied to the metal sheets. The weld time is measured and adjusted in cycles of line voltage as with all timing functions. As the weld time is, more or less, related to what is required for the weld spot, it is difficult to give an exact value of the optimum weld time. For instance:  ¿Ã‚ ½ Weld time should be as short as possible.  ¿Ã‚ ½ The weld parameters should be chosen to give as little wearing of the electrodes as possible. (short weld time.).  ¿Ã‚ ½ The weld time shall cause the nugget diameter to be big when welding thick sheets.  ¿Ã‚ ½ The weld time might have to be adjusted to fit the welding equipment in case it does not fulfil the requirements for the weld current and the electrode force. (A longer weld time might be needed.).  ¿Ã‚ ½ The weld time shall cause the indentation due to the electrode to be as small as possible. (a short weld time.).  ¿Ã‚ ½ The weld time shall be adjusted to welding with automatic tip-dressing, where the size of the electrode contact surface can be kept at a constant value. (a shorter welding time.) [3]. 4. Hold Time Hold time is the time, after the welding and occurred when the electrodes are still applied to the sheet to chill the weld (time that pressure is maintained after weld is made.). Hold time is necessary to allow the weld nugget to solidify before releasing the welded parts, but it must not be to long as this may cause the heat in the weld spot to spread to the electrode and heat it. The electrode will then get more exposed to wear. Further, if the hold time is too long and the carbon content of the material is high (more than 0.1%), there is a risk the weld will become brittle. [3] 5. Weld Current The weld current is used during welding is being made. The amount of weld current is controlled by two things; first, the setting of the transformer tap switch determines the maximum amount of weld current available; second the percentage of current control determines the percentage of the available current to be used for making the weld. Low percentage of current settings is not normally recommended because it might affect the quality of the weld. Proper welding current can be obtained with the percentage current set between seventy and ninety percent by adjust the tap switch. The weld current should be kept as low as possible. When determining the current to be used, the current is gradually increased until weld spatter occurs between the metal sheets. This indicates that the correct weld current has been reached. Weld current also influences the value of nugget diameter. Different value of current, it will produce different dimension of the nugget diameter [3]. Figure 10: Welding Cycle The welding processes in resistance spot welding have 5 cycle process as shown in the Figure 10. The first cycle is the squeeze time, where pressure from the electrode force is applied to the workpiece. The second cycle is weld time, this process where the current is on and the welding current is applied in the metal sheets to melt the sheet metal for the welding process. Then, postheat time, the current delay at the low level. The fourth cycle is cool time. This cycle allow the melt nugget diameter to solidify before the releasing the welded parts and lastly the off time cycle, the electrode force applied on the sheets metal is released the welding process is done. 2.3 Material properties 2.3.1 Introduction of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) DP600 is one of the Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) for the automotive industry that have enhanced ductility and formability [4]. DP600 usually used in the manufacture of passenger car and commercial vehicle wheels. It is to reduce weight and increasing service life and made of the typical properties of theese materials for maximum used. 2.3.2 Basic Properties Mechanical Properties Table 4 : mechanical properties for DP600 [4] Chemical Composition Table 5 : Chemical Compostion for DP600 [4] Dimension Table 6 : Dimension for DP600 [4] 2.3.3 Advantages of High Strength Steel (DP600) High strength steel (DP600) are prodominantly used in automotive industries because of many advantages such as below [4] : I. Low ratio of yield strength to tensile stength . II. Work-hardening capacity is high. III. Good energy absorption characteristic to provide crash performance in structural. IV. Product stronger and safer under load. V. Good bake hardening responce that forming the yield strength in the formed areas is significantly increased. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Methodology of The Project Methodology actually is a systematic study of method and set of procedur. In this study, there are consist of several phase. Figue 3 below shown a methodology for this project. 3.1 Detail of methodology 3.1.1 Information Gathering In information gathering all related information about spot welding, and material used was collected to provide futher understanding. All the related information is obtain from the internet, journal, library and the other resources. It is important o nderstand the theory and previous step. 3.1.2 Design of experiment Design of Experiment is an advance to improve design performance which to reduce cycle time to developed processes [5]. Design of experiment is a series of test to change the input variable (parameter) to study and identififying the output change in the output response. Then analyze the result of process to find the optimum value or parameters that effect to the process. Figure 11 Figue 4 shown an example model of process that shown a number of uncontrolled factor that are discrete, such as difference machine or operators and such as ambient temperature or humidity. Screening Design and Full Factorial Design Screening design is to identify which factor and effect that are important. When have 2-4 factors and can perform a full factorial. Full factorial design in two level. Full factorial design ia a common experimental design with all input factors set at two levels each. These levels is called  ¿Ã‚ ½high ¿Ã‚ ½ and  ¿Ã‚ ½low ¿Ã‚ ½ or +1 and -1. A combination of all the input factors is called full factorial design in two level [6]. If there are k factors at 2 levels, full factorial design has 2? runs. Table 7 : Number of run 2? Full Factorial Number of Factors Number of Runs 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 Objective of factorial design as below : 1. To identify factors with significant effects on the response . 2. To identify interations among factors . 3. To identify which factors have the most importance effects on the response . 4. To decide whether further investigation of a factor ¿Ã‚ ½s effect is justified . 5. To investigate the functional dependence of a response on multiple factors simultaneously (if and only if you test many levels of each factor) . Response Surface Methodology Response surface Methodology (RSM) investigates relationships between explanatory variables and response variables. Objective of RSM is to use a sequence of designed experiments to obtain an optimal response. Below is example of RSM : Figure 12 : Response surface  ¿Ã‚ ½Peak ¿Ã‚ ½ Figure 13 : Response surface  ¿Ã‚ ½Hillside ¿Ã‚ ½ Figure 14 : Response surface  ¿Ã‚ ½Rising ridge ¿Ã‚ ½ Figure 15 : Response surface  ¿Ã‚ ½saddle ¿Ã‚ ½ Mathematical Method The mathematical model correlating process parameters and their interations with response parameter will be developed according to the experimental result. These model will be used to predict the size of weld zone which can improve the welding quality and performance in Resistance Spot Welding. The most common models fit to the experimental data take either a linear equation. A linear model with two factors X1 and X2 such as below : Y =  ¿Ã‚ ½0 +  ¿Ã‚ ½1X1 +  ¿Ã‚ ½2X2 +  ¿Ã‚ ½12X1X2 + experimental error Y is the response for given levels of the main effect X1 and X2 and X1X2 is ncluded for possible interation effect between X1 and x2. Constant  ¿Ã‚ ½0 is the response of Y when both main effect are 0 [6]. The advance of using DOE is that can provides an approach organized which it possible to address both simple and tricky experimental problem. The experiment is to select appropriate objective, and then guide and perform a set of experiment. That can conclude DOE can obtain more useful and more precise information about the studies system. The joint influence of all factors is assessed [5] 3.1.3 Experiment process The experiment is focused to get the radius of molten zone or weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). The diameter of weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) is measured by capture the image of the speciment by the microscope. All the parameter such as welding time, the diameter of tips, weld current , and force will be varied in the experiment. All the result with different parameter will be record to investigate nugget development focused on weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). The procedure for this experiment to prepare the sample of specimen are : a) Cutting. b) Molding. c) Grinding. d) Polishing. e) Etching. f) Invetigate weld nugget and HAZ size using microscope. 3.1.4 Conclusion After get the optimum result and the hardness and strength have be confirmation by tensile test, hardness test and bending test, the conclusion from this project is verify and the project is 100% complete. 3.1.5 Thesis writing After get the conclusion, to complete this project thesis writing is needed to complete the project. All the process and data from this project from the start util the end is to be record and compile as a book. REFERENCES 1. US Patent 4456810, Adaptive Schedule Selective Weld Control, June 1984. The weld process is stopped before the melt exceeds the electrode diameter. Otherwise, an impressive but totally undesired shower of sparks and hot metal will issue from the weld spot. 2. 1995-2012 CMW inc. 3. Effect of welding nugget diameter on the tensile strength of the resistance spot welding joints of same sheets metal walther jenis Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University Malaysia Pahang may 2009. 4. 5. A. Fauzi. Effect of cutting parameters on the hole diameter and surface roughness for dry drilling of aluminum Alloy 6061 2009. 6. Engineering Statistic Handbook 2009. 7. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies 2009. 8. Optimization of foam filled spot-welded column for the crashworthiness 2010.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Essay

Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Prior to Spanish discovery of the new world, the area now known as Bolivia was home to three major ethnic and linguistic groups; the Uru, Aymara, and Quechua. The Uru lived on rafts, fishing and foraging along the shore of Lake Titicaca. The Aymara dominated the Uru, reducing their status to poor fishermen and landless workers. Aymara society was built upon a basic social unit of kinship that organized the distribution of labor, and this system, termed â€Å"ayllu,† was later adopted by conquering Quechua. The Aymara are known for their practice of ‘freeze drying’ potatoes high in the mountains, for their organized systems of irrigation, and their control of colonies in warm lowlands to produce food. By the early 15th century the Quechua dominated the northern highlands of the Andes, and by the later half of the century had adopted the name of their supreme ruler, the Inca. The Inca led a series of invasions into weakening Aymara kingdoms in the south Andean regio n. The Inca quickly became a successful empire, a relative ethnic minority which controlled a diverse region of peoples. Conquered groups were allowed to maintain local chiefs, cultures, religion and language, bound together only through payments and work for the Inca. The mita (forced labor) system facilitated the lives of common laborers and recruited soldiers while vast tracts of roadways allowed for trade between the high and lowlands. The Inca accumulated great wealth, thus significant artistic and architectural achievements were made with textiles, metal working, and the practice of fitting stones together for building without the use of mortar. Many of these walls survive today. Although the Aymara attem... ...t the year in search of temporary job opportunities. One might argue that indigenous groups continue to seek independence in the twenty-first century against a backdrop of capitalistic globalization, a lucrative drug trade, and struggles between conservative, liberal, and militant leaders. Works Cited Minahan, James. Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: Volume III. Westport Connectcut: Greenwood Press, 2002. S. Olson, James. The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Westport Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1991. Regional Surveys of the World: South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Ed. Jacqueline West. 10th ed. Europa Publications: Taylor and Francis Group, 2002 Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture: Volume I. Simon and Schuster, 1996.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Factors in a child’s development Essay

Family is one of the biggest external factors in a child’s development. The first three years of a child’s life are when their foundations are laid out influencing what type of a person they may grow up to be. A child who is given lots of love, attention and guidance are more likely to thrive compared to those who are ignored. At this very early age parents and siblings are the most important thing in a child’s life so everything they do can influence a child, this is when they first start to imitate other peoples actions so if a child is in a stimulating environment then they are more likely to want to continue to be stimulated when they reach school age. Friendships are also a major factor, by the age of three children start to form strong friendships. Friendships may begin to influence behavior, in a positive or sometimes a negative way. They will start to learn how to listen to other people’s opinions and also how to voice their own views. Read more:Â  Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors essay It’s when children start making friends that their personalities really start to develop and they start either start to become a leader or a follower. Peers may become a big influence over their likes and dislikes. What a child eats also plays a big part in a child’s development both in a physical and mental way. Calcium, protein and fats are all essential in a child’s diet to help them grow. When a child starts school it becomes more difficult from a parents prospective to supervise what children are eating especially in children of high school age, too much sugary and fatty foods can lead to children becoming over weight and lacking in energy. It is important for schools to take an active approach in what children are allowed to eat when possible. In today’s world of high technology the media is also a big factor in how children develop. The television can be an amazing aid in a child’s development if watched in moderation. A child that spends too much time in front of a television may run an increased risk of becoming over weight and children who view violent television shows show a tendency towards an aggressive behavior. Social media is also taking a part in children’s developments as friendships are formed with people from all over the world that once would not have been accessible unfortunately it can also have negative results as children can be bullied without an adult around to help them and can lead to a very low self esteem.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Good vs Evil †English Essay Essay

There is neither a definite good nor evil, but only the grey area in-between. The Japanese proverb of Yin and Yang states that in all good there is some evil and in all evil there is dome good thus without good there can be no evil and without evil there can be no good. Evil was once described to me as ‘The inability to feel sympathy’ and at first I agreed with this analogy but upon further thought and deliberation I decided that it was not entirely true, for if evil is the inability to feel sympathy then that makes all acts of sympathy good. However, that analogy would make an act, one that almost the entire world agrees is purely evil, an act of good. The act in question is the destruction of the twin towers of 9/11, because the perpetrators were sympathetic. They were sympathetic towards their country and their people who, contrary to popular knowledge, had already been invaded and were being oppressed by the USA who were trying to secure their oil reserves. There is no way to moderate universally what is considered good and evil. Every man believes in some way that their own actions are just and righteous whilst also believing that their enemy’s actions are acts of evil purely because they oppose his own wishes thus making all man good in his own eyes yet evil in the eyes of those he opposes. Each and every one of us must decide for ourselves what is good and what is evil, and yet we must still conform to the â€Å"norms† of society. The definition of what is right and what is wrong may come from many different places. Some blindly accept what society tells then to where others question society and still others actively oppose society’s views. Some get their definition from the relative religious scripture and follow that without question whereas others merely see it as a general guideline whereupon to base their actions. I believe that the concepts of good and bad, righteousness and evil, just and unjust exist purely to justify man’s actions and that they have and will continue to change to fit the person whose action requires justifying. Alas, these unflinching opposing forces are bound to perpetually clash as they strive for a balance. For without either life as we know it could never exist, perhaps life at all could not exist.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Downside Risk of Hypothesis Essay Samples That No One Is Talking About

The Downside Risk of Hypothesis Essay Samples That No One Is Talking About The Argument About Hypothesis Essay Samples Writing of scholarship graduate essay is an incredibly tough academic task simply because students are needed to demonstrate they are capable of accomplishing the task that they're applying for. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. Some students find plenty of difficulty writing the essay, even if they have the ability to locate strong points. High school, college, and sometimes even university students from all around the world are writing persuasive essays. For instance, the price of a persuasive essay will differ from a proposal essay. As you already see from the above mentioned persuasive essay samples, these forms of papers can be quite different. Such last-minute searching never becomes futile, which causes unfinished essay assignments and leads to a poor grade. Utilizing a writing service is the best method to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to guarantee the essays you write are hitting each one of the important points and are at the appropriate depth needed for your academic grade. You can't get the feelings the individual has for you. After that the majority of people will insert or possibly have aside details for the reason why that necessary through choose to aid you around away your powerful disagreement ahead of producing the essay. After a time, the individual gets bored and looks for different things. Students should settle on which position they need to take based upon the amount and caliber of the points they're ready to come up with to support their position. The Advantages of Hypothesis Essay Samples Grow a hypothesis centered on the expert practices of criminal justice practitioners. To attain conclusion about where child is with respect to holistic development has to be a continuous procedure of regular and periodic observation of the child in a full selection of circumstances. Making the completion of private finance coursework a requirement for graduation would guarantee that young people today are at least aware of the fundamentals of keeping up a financial stability. For that reason, it's imperative to learn how to approach any issue with a strong focus on solving it. After the study is finished, you will want to compose the paper. Always be certain you have a look at the review my essay section of any writing service website you're contemplating using. You can readily find essay writing services which may write for you at cheap prices. If you wish to learn h ow to compose an excellent persuasive essay, you're looking in the correct spot! Whispered Hypothesis Essay Samples Secrets Even though it sounds somewhat straightforward, creating the suitable hypothesis for a paper can really be a rather tough job, and writing that hypothesis so that it aligns with the remainder of your essay may also be challenging. Without a thesis, it's impossible that you present a productive argument. Once you've decided on a topic, you can begin the practice of writing your hypothesis. Seek out relevant theories and studies that may help you better your knowledge on the topic topic. The Upside to Hypothesis Essay Samples Your paragraphs do not connect one another's meaning together with the full thought of your essay might be incomprehensible. Otherwise, there are tons of methods to phrase the thesis. When you're choosing an essay topic, it's important to select one which has lots of information and statistics to back up your standpoint, and don't exaggerate any info which you have chosen to write about. The most important element which creates a persuasive essay in English stand out from the remainder of assignments is the use of reasoning. There are simply too many similarities. The success of the entire essay directly depends upon how good you present the supporting facts. Most academic essay topics usually ask you to choose a side in an argument or maybe to defend a specific side against criticism. What You Don't Know About Hypothesis Essay Samples Moreover, girls who play sports have been demonstrated to have less an inclination towards suicide and depression generally speaking. For girls, having balanced mental wellness is vital to getting a thriving academic career. Persuasive essay topics don't always need to be of a significant nature, you can write about things that are connected in your life. The Little-Known Secrets to Hypothesis Essay Samples The way the topic affected you'll play a huge part in the way you will write your essay. As tempting as it might appear to skip past the extra info and go straight to the list of persuasive essay topics, don't do it. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most essential and frequently tricky parts for many students. It is possible to discover narrative essay examples wherever you locate a great story.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Different Types of Business School Degrees

Business degrees can greatly increase your job opportunities and earning potential. You can earn a general business degree or specialize in one of the  many different disciplines that can be pursued and combined. The options shown below are some the most common and popular  business school  degrees and specializations. Most of these degrees can be earned at the undergraduate and graduate level. Accounting Degree With the enactment of new corporate accounting laws in the U.S., accounting degrees are in demand. There are three different classes of accountants: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and the degree requirements vary for each. Students who earn degrees in accounting will study the aspects of managerial accounting, budgeting, financial analysis, auditing, taxation, and more.   Business Administration Students who major in business administration study the  management, performance and administrative functions of business operations. Administration can encompass everything from finance and economics to marketing and operations management. A business administration degree is very similar to a general business degree; sometimes the terms are used interchangeably.   Business Management Degree Degrees in business management can be pursued singularly or it can be combined with specialized studies. Students who earn business management degrees are prepared for managing positions in a wide range of companies. Advanced degrees can lead to high-paying positions such as CEO and Senior Administrator.   Entrepreneurship Degree Entrepreneurship degrees often include training that encompasses aspects of accounting, ethics, economics, finance, strategy, operations management, and marketing. Students who acquire a degree in entrepreneurship will be equipped with the knowledge needed to organize and operate a new business venture.   Finance Degree Finance degrees can lead to a variety of jobs in public and private organizations. Job opportunities include investment banker, budget analyst, loan officer, real estate professional, financial advisor, and money market manager. Because this profession is expected to grow at a very fast rate within the next ten years, students who achieve a degree in finance will most likely be in demand.   Human Resources Degree A degree in human resources is almost a necessity to work in the human resources field. This fast growing area of business is always in need of people with superior interpersonal skills who are well-versed in areas of recruitment, training, compensation and benefits administration, and human resources law.    Marketing Degree A degree is marketing is often combined with business management. Students who pursue marketing degrees will learn about advertising, strategy, product development, pricing, promotion, and consumer behavior.   Project Management Degree The field of project management really exploded on the business scene a couple of decades ago, and many business schools are still working to offer this degree option to business majors. Most of the people who earn a project management degree go on to work as a project manager. The average project manager has at least a bachelors degree, but masters degrees are not uncommon in the field and may be needed for more advanced positions.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Foundations of Education Study Guide - 1751 Words

FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION: TEST #1 :: study guide :: †¢ Examples of socialization responsibilities that have been shifted from the family to the school in your lifetime? -Sex Education -Moral Values -Dress codes †¢ How easy it for us to change our basic value? -It’s not easy and it’s almost impossible because by the time youre a baby your surrounded by others moral character so it is extremely hard to change what you only know. †¢ According to the reading, what are the pros and cons of religion in the socialization process? -Pros: moral code unification -Cons: judgmental dis-unification †¢ Difference between Functionalist and Conflict Theories of Education†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Primary role of early colonial education? -to teach them the basics (reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmitic) -had a religious influence †¢ Thomas Jefferson (major beliefs and contributions): -spokesperson for the ‘common man’ -believed that government must be by the consent of the governed and that men were entitled to certain rights that could not be abridged by the govt. * Major contribution of Noah Webster to American education? -he separated from the English language (Queen’s language) to the current more modern English language -founded the dictionary to what we know today †¢ Purpose of†¦ how did they work? o Monitorial Schools: -One paid teacher instructed hundreds of students through the use of student teachers who were chosen for their academic abilities. -concerned with teaching the basics of the 3Rs o Sunday Schools: -offered the foundation of reading and writing to children who worked in factories during the week. o Infant Schools: -taught by women. 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